By default, Spring Security accepts roles like 'ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_USER'.
We can change this default behavior by changing the Role Prefix from "Role_" to "".
In order to achieve this, we will add following code in the applicationContext-security.xml of our Login Example.
We can change this default behavior by changing the Role Prefix from "Role_" to "".
In order to achieve this, we will add following code in the applicationContext-security.xml of our Login Example.
<beans:bean id="roleVoter" class=" "> <beans:property name="rolePrefix" value="" /> </beans:bean> <beans:bean id="authenticatedVoter" class="" /> <beans:bean id="accessDecisionManager" class=""> <beans:property name="decisionVoters"> <beans:list> <beans:ref bean="roleVoter" /> <beans:ref bean="authenticatedVoter" /> </beans:list> </beans:property> </beans:bean>After this, we can use our custom roles like 'admin' and 'user' instead of 'ROLE_ADMIN' and 'ROLE_USER'.
<authentication-provider> <password-encoder hash="md5"/> <user-service> <user name="sandeep" password="00f1de4e151ccfc1fc9ff735a5efc479" authorities="admin,user" /> <user name="vijay" password="e555f863fb09593119fe2f3459e9783a" authorities="user" /> </user-service> </authentication-provider>